On March 3, 2023, a presentation was held at the Texas Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (TACES) conference titled: "We all have a heart! Vicarious stress affecting educators and supervisors and the role of the heart in coping." Over 35 participants including university professors and mental health supervisors attended the presentation. The presenters covered the topic of vicarious stress for mental health professionals, educators, and supervisors, introduced various stress assessments and self-care inventories and spoke about heart health and the effects of stress on the heart. The one-hour presentation was concluded by a 10-minute Tamarkoz exercise followed by questions and answers. Tamarkoz App was introduced. Participants showed interest by asking questions throughout the presentation and stayed afterward to sign up for receiving copies of the presentation slides. Two-morning Tamarkoz/Wellness Sessions were conducted before the start of the conference.
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